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Safnafræðibækur bætast við bókakostinn

Nú hafa 14 bækur í safnafræðum bæst við bókakost Bókasafns Halldórs og Önnu Guðnýjar. Um er að ræða ýmis lykilrit í safnafræðum sem vonandi nýtast austfirsku safnafólki og ættu einnig að vekja áhuga annarra sem láta sig safnamál varða hér á Austurlandi. Sjá má lista yfir bækurnar ef smellt er á fyrirsögn þessarar fréttar.


Gale Anderson, Reinventing the Museum, Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on the Paradigm Shift

Timothy Ambrose and Crispin Paine, Museum Basics 

Mary (and Edward P.) Alexander, Museums in Motion: an Introduction to the History and Functions of Museums

Stephen E. Weil, Making Museums Matter

Tony Bennett, The birth of the museum 

Eilieen Hooper-Greenhill, Museums and the shaping of knowledge

Sharon Macdonald, A companion to museum studies

Richard Sandell (ofl.), Re-presenting disability

Gary Edson, Museum ethics

Sleeper-Smith, Contesting knowledge

Parry Ross, The museum in the digital age

Ivan Karp (ofl.), Exhibiting Cultures: Poetics and Politics of Museum Display

Ivan Karp (ofl.), Museums and Communities: The Politics of Public Culture

William Davies King, Collections of nothing